Build a Managed DLP Program

Novacoast can provide guidance in implementing an effective data security strategy that complements the full phalanx of security tools and tactics to take advantage of DLP’s strengths.

Novacoast has been immersed in the cybersecurity consulting industry for 24 years. Over the years, Novacoast has watched trends develop, evolve, and sometimes fade way or get replaced with something better. Our experience in enterprise IT security has placed us in a position of seeing a wide range of scenarios across industries such as financial, medical, government, and technology. We’ve been helping to build data security strategies since before DLP was a popular term.

What We Do

Implementing DLP is an assessment and planning exercise. We’re ready to apply what we’ve learned in previous data security engagements to shorten the time to effective protection of your data.

Evaluate and assist planning

We’ll provide our knowledge to assist in planning a new DLP implementation. If one already exists then we can evaluate and provide feedback.

Provide Guidance on Data Labelling, Classification and Other Definitions

The foundation of an effective DLP program is knowing your data, identifying the different types of data within the organization, and how it should be protected.

Categorizations such as retention level, structured vs unstructured, and sensitivity are required in order to address them with policy.

Provide Guidance on Policy, Controls, Auditing and Reporting

Novacoast advisors can help an organization define useful policies and controls that are sustainable without putting undue load on administrators.

We’ve compiled a comprehensive worksheet to help advance a data security program in its maturity. It includes:

  • Initial identification and definitions
  • Definition of business boundaries for data
  • Inventory of egress points from basic endpoints to IoT and cloud storage
  • Advanced classification of data
  • Data destruction policies, controls, and auditing
  • Automation of labeling, classification, and destruction
  • Operationalize reporting and auditing to close the loop
  • Product specific implementation tuning, such as Microsoft AIP
  • Assistance in navigating the various compliance bodies such as HIPAA, PCI, etc.

An Extension of the Organization

As a MSSP, Novacoast places emphasis on being the extension of your team that you need. We can work within the context of your program and provide recommendations when asked. Novacoast can also offer insight on how to position DLP strategically to complement all the tools of the environment.

A Measured Progression

Initial deployment of DLP generally starts with passive monitoring and learning.

Once the program is tuned and proven, it might be time to move to a phase where users are alerted. An evolution would be to automatically build from there.

We’re ready to ask questions such as:

  • What’s your sensitive data?
  • Where does that data live?
  • What are the boundaries of your business?
  • Are rights management or encryption a requirement for your compliance?